Meet the PharPoint Team: Mital J., Senior Quality Assurance Auditor

As Senior Quality Assurance (QA) Auditor at PharPoint Research, Mital J.’s responsibilities include training and compliance, assisting with internal and external audits, overseeing document management, and providing support in maintaining Quality Systems. 

Mital holds over a decade of experience across various roles in the industry. After obtaining her undergraduate degree in biology, she quickly found her footing within pharmaceuticals. Her first role involved the oversight of medication manufacturing. She later moved into clinical trials, where she held various roles in quality assurance.  

As Mital reflected on her career journey to date, she highlighted the ongoing importance of transparency.  

“I’ve always been huge on transparency and honesty from the get-go,” Mital shares, “and expect the same from my colleagues and superiors.” 

Throughout her career, Mital has worked for various large organizations; she reflected with us on how PharPoint’s right-size and collaborative culture sets us apart. 

You can reach out to anyone and everyone,” she tells us of the PharPoint environment, “whether it’s for networking purposes or for help. I don’t think I’ve ever had that much collaboration at other companies.”  

Even in her free time, Mital keeps a busy schedule. 

She loves traveling and has trips to Iceland, Paris, and Switzerland planned for the near future. She also plans Indian weddings – an endeavor that requires a keen eye for detail and logistics, as celebrations are typically large events spanning multiple days. Additionally, Mital is an active volunteer at Caring Place, a non-profit focused on helping the homeless get back on their feet by providing housing and financial literacy education.  

Across the various responsibilities she holds both in and outside of work, staying organized and goal-oriented keeps Mital focused and on-track. “I always have a notebook handy,” she explains, “I write down what my goals are for the day, and there’s nothing more satisfying than checking off each one as I accomplish them. 

In addition to the gratification that comes with everyday wins, a bird’s eye view of the role QA plays in clinical research keeps Mital connected to the bigger picture.  

I view my role as a small but vital piece of the puzzle,” Mital shares. “QA and regulations are essential for progress, and I try to remind myself that my contributions are crucial to that process. This perspective brings me satisfaction, knowing that I can make a positive impact in someone’s life through my work.”.